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Jean Parasol (patron de Ensemble Patterns)

Sewing the Parasol trousers (Ensemble Patterns)

5 commentaires

So happy with my Parasol shorts, I directly begun … a denim version of the Parasol pants! 2 in a row! Well, of course, since I finished it, I’ve been able to wear it only twice and now it’s too hot …

Orchid x Parasol (dress, jumpsuit, shorts & trousers) pattern Ensemble Patterns (19€ – rentabilisé) 1 0 €
Denim Selvedge Bennytex 2 m 14 €
Swimmers poplin (remnants – Katia Fabrics) Rascol 0,2 m 0 €
Zip Fil 2000 1 0,50 €
Button Stock 1 0 €
Thread Stock 0 0 €
Total     14,50 €

The Parasol trousers pattern

Regarding the pattern, I don’t have much more to say than in my article on the shorts … so I will not drool. Have a look at the article on the Parasol shorts to learn more.

Jean Parasol (patron de Ensemble Patterns)

This is the picture of the girl soooo happy to have sewn jeans … well not jeans jeans with 5 pockets and all the stuff, but very comfortable denim pants!

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

The Parasol trousers are a wide legs pants, “palazzo” style that I’ve always loved to wear. And what’s great is that wide trousers are furiously fashionable right now.

I have my style and I always end up getting caught up in fashion, like a clock that is right twice a day.

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

Coudre le pantalon Parasol

I sewed exactly the same size, with felled seams topstiched in a yellow thick thread. I had better to sew them perfectly (and we will see later that I failed …).

My Janome S5 did not sewed too badly with the topstitching and multiple layers of denim, even if I ended up sewing the belt loops by hand …

Jean Parasol (patron de Ensemble Patterns)

I happily sewn the pockets in the wrong way too. While I know I had checked on the diagrams. I remember it positively.

But I still failed and I noticed it only after sewing all the felled seams ever so carefully.

I must confess that I didn’t even consider to unpick! Too bad.

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

Jean Parasol (patron de Ensemble Patterns)

Jean Parasol (patron de Ensemble Patterns)

I also chose the same printed cotton as for the Parasol shorts for the waist facing and the fly’s flip-flap (I do not remember the proper name).

For the latter, it is an mistake. I have a small shift of 4-5 mm on the alignment of both side at the waist. With a denom flip-flap, it wouldn’t show. There, well it shows 🙁

Otherwise, the proposed finish for the waist facing is a bias binding, as can be seen in the photo below. Very clean.

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

My little fantasy: a notch in the middle back with crossed belt loops.

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

Dernier mot sur mon 1er jean Parasol

Without saying that I’m yearning for colder weather (no kidding!), I’m happy to have a nice denim pants waiting for me in my closet for the fall.

It’s been some time that I don’t really fit in my jeans, and I really mourned jeans to grab easily in the morning for a casual look.

I highly recommend this pattern of great quality and with a specificity that we do not find elsewhere: the seams in front & back instead of sides. No seams rubbing on the hips o /

Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

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Patron pantalon Parasol (Ensemble Patterns)

Top Rushcutter de In The Folds
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Sewing the Perkins shirt (Ensemble Patterns): look at me in the eyes!

5 commentaires

  • 15 July 2019 à 06:43

    Il est superbe ton pantalon palaeeo en jean. Cette ligne avec les coutures surpiquées au milieu des pièces devant et dos me plaît vraiment beaucoup. Bon je n’ai pas repéré sur les photos les défauts que tu mentionnes, mais je te crois sur parole. Au final ce jean te fait de très belles fesses (si tu me permets de le dire).

    • 15 July 2019 à 09:55

      Hello ! Oui, les coutures devant et dos sont assez inédites en terme de patron et j’aime beaucoup le style. De la même créatrice, le pantalon Robinson propose un “pin tuck” (connait pas la traduction en français) qui est un genre de pli / couture nervure sur tout le long du devant de la jambe, ça “chiquifie” beaucoup la coupe je trouve.

  • 15 July 2019 à 06:44

    Palazzo ! Mon correcteur automatique fait n’importe quoi.

  • […] (en noir, en flanelle écossaise et en chino kaki – 3 fois ! -), le short Parasol et le pantalon Parasol, la chemise […]

  • 9 August 2019 à 16:06

    bravo, Mlle Miio ou Solène pour les intimes j’admire ton travail et tout ça en plus du boulot, chapeau. J’aime beaucoup le short parasol.



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